10 Questions To Ask A Nutritionist

10 Questions To Ask A Nutritionist

Nutritionists can help you with all things nutrition, weight loss, weight gain, or weight management, improving your relationship with food (which can improve your mental health), improving your eating habits, learning more about your body and which foods are the right choice for you, etc.

With all the different nutrition information available today, getting answers straight from a nutritionist is the best way to confirm whether this information is true or not. It also helps to know which information and foods are the right choice for you, as what might be the best option for some, isn’t the best advice for others.

Asking questions is also a great way to know whether the nutritionist is the right fit for your needs.

So in this post, I’m sharing a round-up of questions that you should and can ask a nutritionist if you decide to talk to them, no matter if you’re trying to lose weight, gain weight, maintain weight, build a better relationship with food, learn more about nutrients, achieve your goals, or just work on eating balanced meals and having a balanced diet and practice healthy eating.

10 Questions To Ask A Nutritionist

What are good sources of protein?

Consuming enough protein is crucial for your health. It helps build muscle, gives you strength, and improves your overall health. However, many people don’t consume enough protein. Oftentimes, they don’t know what the best sources of protein are, or they only know a few of them, which makes their diet not diverse enough.

That’s why this would be a great question to ask your nutritionist or registered dietitian, as it can really help you eat foods that will look and feel your best.

How do I make sure I eat balanced meals?

Eating a balanced diet is one of the most important things you can do for your health. It’s the best way to get all of the nutrients and minerals your body needs and to look and feel your best. 

However, knowing what a balanced diet is is not always the easiest task, as you might not know what your plate needs to include in order to be balanced. How much protein should you eat, how much fiber, how many carbs, what foods to pair, etc. - all of those things are important to know.

So, asking your nutritionist to give you a guide on how to always know your meals are balanced is a great question to ask.

I don’t eat [food or food group]. How do I make sure I get the right nutrients even without eating that?

If you don’t eat a certain food, or an entire food group, asking your nutritionist how to replace the nutrients and minerals from that food is a crucial question. When you exclude an ingredient or a food group from your diet, you’re likely excluding the specific benefits that food has, and that your body needs.

For example, if you don’t eat meat, you’re excluding the main source of protein for most people. So, you need to know what to eat to get that protein back.

The same goes for any other food or food group - if you don’t eat something, ask your nutritionist what to eat instead, as they’ll tell you which food has a similar nutritious value and can be used to replace that ingredient.

I often crave [carbs, sugar, etc.]. What is the reason, and how do I control the craving?

In case you didn’t know, all cravings have a reason. Cravings usually don’t come randomly. They are caused by certain nutritious deficiencies. That means that when you don’t have enough of a certain vitamin or mineral, you tend to crave specific food groups and flavors.

So, depending on your craving, your nutritionist will likely be able to tell you which nutrient you might be missing, and how to get more of it.

Also, your nutritionist can give you tips on how to avoid cravings overall, and how to control them.

Can you help me create a meal plan tailored to my body and my goals?

Your nutritionist will be able to help you create a meal plan tailored to your specific body and your goals. Food isn’t a one-strategy-fits-all, and the best things for you to eat will be very specific to you, your health, your body, your current diet, your activity level, and so on. So, ask your nutritionist for personalized help. Oftentimes when someone is wondering is a nutritionist worth it, they don’t think about the fact that they can get personalized info that’s tailored to their specific bodies.

How do I get rid of bloating?

Bloating is something a lot of people suffer from, and usually, it’s linked to diet. There are foods that can be eaten to reduce bloating, and foods your nutritionist will tell you to eat less of if you want to avoid bloating

How often should I eat?

If you’re wondering how often you should eat, how often you should have snacks, how long you should wait between meals, and so on - your nutritionist is the best person to ask.

I am low in [iron, vitamin B, etc.]. Which foods should I eat to help with that, and should I take supplements?

As you know, food has nutritious values, and when you’re lacking a certain vitamin or mineral, there are foods you can eat to improve that. So, your nutritionist can tell you what foods to eat to improve all of it.

Are there any foods that should or shouldn’t be consumed together?

Something not many people think about, especially those who don’t know much about nutrition, is that there are certain foods that should and shouldn’t be paired together, because of the way our bodies process those foods.

Some foods help each other give you nutrients, and some aren’t meant to be eaten together, because they are being processed in conflicting ways. So, ask your nutritionist which foods to eat together, and which foods you shouldn’t eat together.

I have [medical condition]. How should I alter my diet because of it?

If you have a medical condition, such as diabetes, ask your nutritionist how to alter your diet.