Healthy Bachelorette Ideas

Healthy Bachelorette Ideas

As your big day draws nearer, the time will come to start planning a bachelorette party. For many brides, the purpose of the party is a chance for de stressing, letting your hair down and enjoying frivolities with your closest girlfriends. But there is some pressure that the event must involve heavy drinking. If you want to go out and have some cocktails with your girls, that’s great. But for those that don’t drink or want to do something a little different, there are plenty of other ideas!

Sitting at the bar is absolutely fun - but here are some other health & wellness activities to try if you like.

Healthy Bachelorette Ideas


  • Grab your water bottle and go for a hike or walk in a park. If you live close to a national park, this can be a great way to decompress from your daily lives, planning, social media, our phones… such a long list! Getting into nature can be a great mental reset at a time when you’re feeling stressed out.

  • Do a group exercise class. Getting your girls together for a dance class or a yoga class can be a great way to bond while getting your sweat on. It could be your favorite exercise or try something new like poll dancing.

  • Participate in a run or walk that's going on in the town, like a 5k. If you want something to look forward to, why not sign up for a local fun run? This way you can extend your celebrations to include all of your training runs.


  • Do a meditation class - or download one from online/ an app. At a stressful time like wedding planning, spending some time together, calming down and relaxing is such a great idea. Think of it as a boot camp for your mind - stretching, strengthening and preparing it for the road ahead.

  • Spend some time at a spa getting mani pedis, hair treatments, etc. Find a spa that has group rooms where you still get to spend time together or that includes tea and relaxation time so you’re not separated for the whole experience.

  • Buy different spa-products like nail-polish and face masks, and create your own spa at your hotel or at home. If a spa treatment is out of the price-range for you, don’t worry! You can create a luxury experience for yourselves. Particularly great if you’re hosting a bachelorette weekend away somewhere remote.

Eat Healthy

  • Research restaurants ahead of time - look for ones that have a variety of options for those in your party that have any dietary restrictions. Last minute decisions can throw off your plans to eat healthy so either do your own research or enlist the help of your bridesmaids to find the best healthy food in your town or the location of your bachelorette party.

  • Hire a chef - having a chef cater the weekend can actually be cost-effective and healthy. They can cook meals for when you're at your Airbnb, and can pack meals for when you're leaving for the day

  • Cook! This can be such a fun and bonding activity. You could do cooking classes, assign meals to different people in the bridal party or organised big meals to be cooked together. Involving your friends and family in healthy cooking can open their eyes to a different way of eating.

  • Try a meal kit like Hello Fresh, The Purple Carrot if you don't want to cook from scratch.

Drink Well

  • Make different sparkling waters or still waters - get a bunch of berries, cucumbers, watermelon, and mix & match. This also helps with no overdoing it on the alcohol! This can help take the pressure off having to drink heavily all day as people still feel like they’re joining in with a drink in their hand.

Snacks to Keep on Hand

Having healthy snacks on hand can make or break the weekend. When we've eaten chips all day, we don't feel our best, and we don't want to feel less than 100% confident on our nights out. Also, stocking up on snacks ahead of time save $$ - hotel snacks can be quite pricey. Here are some ideas:

  • Nuts and/ or seeds

  • Jerky

  • Baked cheese "crackers" like Whisps

  • Veggies like baby carrots, celery and salsa

  • Fruit - like pears, watermelon slices

Also, ask your guests if they have any dietary restrictions so you can make sure you have snacks for everyone.


Find restaurants ahead of time. Look at their menus & make sure there's food that you like & will keep you full. Look for protein and veggie options.

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