10 Tips For Eating Healthy On Vacation

10 Tips For Eating Healthy On Vacation

Vacations are obviously a very fun and exciting experience. They’re the perfect time to unwind, celebrate, and try new things.

However, they’re notorious for ruining your diet when you’re not careful. It’s easy to forget your healthy eating habits when you’re not home. That’s why I’m sharing a roundup of tips that can help you eat healthy while still enjoying your vacation.

10 Tips For Eating Healthy On Vacation

Bring your own healthy snacks

If you’re going on a road tip, bringing your own healthy snack bag is the best way to avoid eating junk food on the road. There are many healthy options for snacks you can easily pack - a trail mix, some healthy mini sandwiches, veggies and a dip, fresh fruits, and so on.

Eat breakfast

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and you definitely shouldn’t skip it, especially during vacation. A good, nourishing breakfast will give you energy for the day, especially if you’re having an active vacation. Plus, it will keep you full until lunch, so you won’t be tempted to grab some fast food in the middle of the day.

Eat lean protein (eggs for example), fiber (veggies), and healthy fats (avocados or olive oil) to make sure you get everything you need to start the day off well.

Don’t torture yourself

Here’s a tip you maybe haven’t expected - enjoy your vacation. There’s no point in torturing yourself, counting every calorie, and only eating fruits and veggies in order not to ruin your diet. Enjoying some tasty and delicious (and less healthy) food every now and then while on vacation is totally fine. You want to have a good time, and not worry about food the whole time. It’s totally fine to eat meals you want that might not be the healthiest once a day. Of course, try not to eat fast food every day, but other than that, don’t stress about it too much - it won’t do you any good.

Try local restaurants

Trying local restaurants is my favorite thing to do on vacation! There’s nothing better than trying out new dishes you haven’t tried before in the countries where they originated.

Even if those dishes aren’t totally healthy, they are probably much healthier than fast food, so they’re a much better choice. Especially if those local restaurants serve some traditional meals that aren’t deep fried or super unhealthy so you don’t add unnecessary extra calories.

Think about portion sizes

When you’re eating some less healthy meals, think about portion sizes. Eat the amount you need to be full, but don’t overeat. 

When you can, try to eat a smaller portion of the unhealthy meal, and add a side salad to eat along with it - that way, you’re eating less unhealthy food, and also adding some nourishing ingredients to your meal that your body needs.

Eat nourishing foods

There’s no reason to count calories on vacation, but try to order healthy foods that seem nourishing. Even if they’re not super low-calorie, it would be great if they give you the nutrients and minerals your body needs. Order balanced meals that have fiber, lean protein, healthy fats, and healthy carbs. For example, alfredo pasta with no veggies might not be the most nourishing meal you can order. But cream cheese & spinach stuffed chicken with grilled veggies on the side is a very delicious meal that still has nutrients and veggies.

Avoid meals that only include deep-fried food, added sugar, and saturated fats.

Avoid the mini-bar

While mini-bars can seem tempting, try to avoid them, as they usually don’t include healthy drinks. Instead, order freshly squeezed fruit juice and water.

Walk everywhere

This may not be a food tip, but it’s still very important - both for digestion and overall well-being. Try to walk as much as possible on your vacation. It’s going to help you stay fit, burn more calories, digest food better, and it will help you breathe some fresh air and stay active.

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is crucial always, but especially on vacation. Drink water all day long. Order it whenever you go to eat out, and have a water bottle with you at all times.

This is especially important if you’re on a summer vacation and the weather is hot. 

Eat lots of veggies

Always choose foods that have lots of veggies. Or, order a side salad along with your meal. They will help fill you up, while nourishing your body. Plus, I’m sure lots of cuisines have traditional dishes that include veggies, so it’s the perfect opportunity to try those out.