50 Best Foods To Eat Regularly

50 Best Foods To Eat Regularly

Nutrition, healthy eating, and a healthy diet are crucial for your health. Eating the right kind of nutrient-dense food on a regular basis can give your body the nutrients it needs to function well.

Eating healthy foods also has many health benefits - it can help prevent heart disease, regulate blood pressure, help with body health, weight management, and so much more.

That’s why eating a wide variety of foods in different categories is important.

So, I’m sharing a roundup of the best foods to eat regularly no matter the season.

50 Best Foods To Eat Regularly



Apples are rich in antioxidants and in fiber. They’re also full of nutrients, so they’re great to eat every day. 


Oranges are full of vitamin C, they help your body make collagen, and they help boost your immune system. You can eat them, or juice them.


Bananas improve your blood sugar, digestive system, heart health, and they’re full of nutrients! They’re great by themselves, in smoothies, or in healthy desserts.


Kiwi is full of vitamin C, it helps with immunity, heart health, and digestive health.


Strawberries have many health benefits - they can help with your heart, blood pressure, and they have tons of nutrients.


Pineapple is delicious, full of nutrients, and boosts immunity.


Raspberries are great sources of potassium, they lower blood pressure, and have omega-3 fatty acids. Plus, they’re good sources of iron.


Peaches are full of vitamin E, they help with gut health, digestive health, and bone health.


Cherries are high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and are low-calorie. 


Melon is a great source of fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin K, vitamin C, potassium, and more.


Avocado is an amazing source of healthy fats that your body needs. It’s also a great source of vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, and potassium. 

It’s super tasty when made as avocado toast, as an add-on to your breakfast eggs, or as a topping for a tasty salad. You can even make a healthy avocado pudding.


Pomegranate is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, helps with heart health, urinary health, inflammation, and is overall a very healthy fruit.

It’s great on its own, or even in a salad.



Even though tomatoes are technically fruit, we’ll put them in this category, as most people usually consider them a vegetable. 

It’s very good for your immune system, heart health, blood pressure, and weight management.

Plus, it’s very versatile. It can be eaten fresh in a salad, it can be turned into a soup, a tomato sauce that can be used with paste, it can be a base of so many stews, and so on.

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens are not only low-calorie, but they’re also full of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.

They’re great in so many dishes, and they should be a part of your daily diet.


Spinach is an amazing source of iron, which makes it a great food to eat if you have iron deficiency. Plus, it’s low-calorie and full of nutrients.


Broccoli is full of antioxidants, nutrients, and has inflammatory benefits. Plus, it’s low-calorie and delicious.


Cauliflower is often used as a substitute for many carbs, because it’s very versatile and nutritious.

It can be used instead of pizza crust, instead of rice, and so on. Who says fruits and vegetables have to be made in a traditional way? You can turn most of them into very interesting dishes, and cauliflower is the perfect example. 


Mushrooms have nutrients, they are great for brain health, gut health, they decrease the risk of cancer, they lower your sodium intake, and they help with immunity.

They are delicious in many dishes, such as stews, grilled veggies, pasta sauces, and so on.

Mushrooms are also found in many plant-based dishes as a replacement for meat.


Zucchini is rich in nutrients, antioxidants, and help with weight management, as they’re low-calorie and very versatile.


Eggplants are full of vitamins A and C, as well as other nutrients.


Kale is a great source of calcium, vitamin A, vitamin K, potassium, and so much more. It can be delicious as a salad base, or in cooked dishes.

Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are very low-calorie, so they’re great for the keto diet, but they should be a part of your diet whatever it is. They can be eaten raw, or grilled and cooked in dishes.


Carrots keep your blood sugar levels in line, they’re full of vitamin A, and great for eye health. 

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are considered a healthy carb. Plus, they’re great for eye health, help with type-2 diabetes, and support digestive health.


Potatoes are rich in fiber, and they’re very filling. They can be made in so many different ways, and they’re super tasty.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts are high in fiber, vitamin K, and many other nutrients. They help with blood sugar, as well as inflammation.

Nuts, Seeds, and Nut Butters

Nuts and seeds are excellent sources of healthy fats, and they’re amazing as healthy snacks. 


Peanuts are known to lower cholesterol levels. They’re not low in calories, but they’re a great source of healthy fats, so they should definitely be a part of your diet.


Almonds are great sources of fiber, protein, and vitamin E.


Walnuts are a great source of polyunsaturated fats, which are food fats. They are known to lower your cholesterol levels.


Hazelnuts are great for heart health, blood health, they reduce weight gain, and as a bonus, they work well in healthy desserts!


Pistachios are great for keeping your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol in line.

Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are rich in healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamins, and overall nutrients. They help with brain health and heart health.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are considered a super food - they help with heart health, cholesterol levels, and intestinal health. 

Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are amazing for digestion and they help with constipation. 

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a great source of healthy fats, plus it’s very delicious.

Almond Butter

Just like peanut butter, almond butter is delicious, and good for you.

Meat & Protein


Chicken is great for protein, and helps build muscle. 


Beef is full of protein, helps build muscle, and has vitamins B12 and B16. It’s also a good source of iron. 


Turkey is low-fat, and it’s a good source of protein.


Pork is a good source of vitamins B12, B6, protein, and zink.


Salmon is full of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, potassium, vitamin B, and helps with weight management.


Shrimp is high in protein and low in calories, which makes it a great addition to your diet.


Eggs are amazing sources of protein, and they have many nutrients your body needs. They’re the most popular breakfast food, since they can be made in so many different ways. When paired with veggies, they really are an amazing way to start your day.


White Rice

White rice is a good source of carbs. It has vitamin B, it’s gluten-free, it regulates your blood sugar levels, and so on.

Brown Rice

Brown rice has more calories and carbs than white rice, but also has more fiber and antioxidants.


Quinoa is an amazing source of dietary fiber.


Oats are great for blood sugar, preventing heart disease, and they’re great for weight loss.

Whole-Grain Bread

Whole-grain bread is a much better option than white bread.

Whole-Grain Pasta

Whole-grain pasta has more nutrients than white pasta.


Bulgur is great for digestive health, gut health, and weight loss.

Making your favorite comfort foods healthier



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